Here you can find my publications and some old course notes and semester projects etc... back
Algebraic cogroups, with Javier Fresan - a premature child of our exponential motives project |
Exponential motives - Exponentially growing project with Javier Fresan |
Hyperelliptic continued fractions and generalised Jacobians, joint with L. Capuano, C. Karolus and F. Veneziano. Extended notes of 3 lectures by Umberto Zannier in Alpbach (2016), to appear in a proceedings volume |
On the relation between Galois groups and Motivic Galois groups |
Published papers (from new to old)
[5] --- Inhomogeneous minima of mixed signature lattices, joint with Eva Bayer-Fluckiger and Martino Borello. J. Number Theory, Volume 167, (2016), 88-103. |
[4] --- On the second Tate--Shafarevich group of a 1--motive, J. Algebra and Number Theory Vol. 7 (2013), No. 10, 2511-2544. |
[3] --- On the Mumford--Tate conjecture for 1--motives, version February 2013, Inventiones Math, Volume 195, Issue 2 (2014), 393-439. |
[2] --- Detecting linear dependence on a simple abelian variety via reduction maps. Commentarii Math. Helv. vol. 88 no. 2 (2013), pp 323-352 |
[1] --- A counterexample to the local-global principle of linear dependence for abelian varieties, joint with Antonella Perucca, Comptes rendus acad. sci. Paris no. 348 (2010), pp. 9-10 |
THESIS - Defended on July 8th 2009, Last updated Oct. 09 |
Slides of the public defense (with special credits to Abstruse Goose.) |
Old Stuff, course notes, project notes (I wrote as an undergraduate student)
Hodge-Zahlen und K-Äquivalenz: Meine Masterarbeit 2006. |
Le Théorème d'indice d'Atiyah-Singer: The largest mathematics Student Project at EPFL ever (2005). |